Massaged by Jobe

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If you follow the latest health trends, you've likely encountered red light therapy.

Every month, it seems a new study emerges discussing its “benefits”.

But does it deserve the attention it has been garnering?

Interestingly, NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has shown significant interest in the healing properties of red light therapy, dedicating millions of dollars to its research.

However, NASA isn't alone in this endeavor; many other companies have also invested heavily in exploring the therapy's potential uses.

So what exactly is red light therapy?

Red light therapy is a treatment that works by emitting low-level red wavelengths that penetrate the skin to stimulate cellular activity.

This process, known as photobiomodulation, encourages cells to produce more energy.

But what does the therapy do?

By stimulating cellular activity, red light therapy can:


  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles


  • Accelerate wound healing


  • Reduce scarring (including acne scars)


  • Improve sleep quality


  • Reduce Inflammation


  • Decrease arthritis pain


  • Improve muscle recovery


  • And melt fat away

Is it effective for losing fat and slimming down?

Studies show that some red light therapies, like the UltraSlim, can reduce the size of a lipocyte, or fat cell by one-third within one treatment session.

With this therapy, the average patient will lose 3.5” (54.1 fluid ounces) of pure fat around the treatment area, typically around the waist, hips, and thighs.

Some patients lose over 10” around these areas in a single treatment. That’s a GALLON of fat!

One woman lost 28 pounds, 5432cc, and 4.4” off her waist with 12 UltraSlim treatments.

And another lost 4.2 inches and 1.3 liters of belly fat with four treatments.

The best part, we offer this specific red light therapy at our clinic. And when you work with Dr. Ostroff on your weight loss protocol to support your metabolism, correct underlying imbalances and detoxify your cells, your results are magnified.  You will not only look better, you will FEEL better.


If you're interested in experiencing our red-light, reach out, and we can add it top your future treatments.